Pavel Tropin

Web solution developer

Professional principles

  • Knowledge
  • I respect the knowledge as a key for all kinds of productivity. Knowledge is a way to understanding and producing expectable results.
    That means that if you know how to do something you can repeat it infinite times without wasting time on reinventing wheel.
    If you think you need something, dont skip to learn how it works.
  • Transparency
  • Most of the problems in any projects lays in the layer of trust. People dont trust each other and this causes information lack to make right decisions.
    Its really important to create and maintain ecosystem of trust, where every team member understands that his impact really matters without distinction on positive and negative one. If you know about problem, you can organize to fix it, if you know about new possibility you can become number one.
  • Understanding
  • But knowledge is not enough. If you seriouse with your work it neccesary to deep understand how things work. Starting from very start, from base principles.
  • Magic does not exist
  • Everything have a root cause, If you see that something happend you should understand that it happend because. This principle mostly applicable to engineers and process managers. If something works with unexpectable way and it looks like a magic, keep in mind that no magic exists. Keep digging and you will find the reason, if it really matters, course.
  • Focus
  • Shortest way to produce oustanding results is in putting all your attention to issues that really matters. Every business have only one key critical restriction at a time, that should be resolved before going to next one.
  • Everything is possible
  • If somebody told you that something is impossible, just give him a forehead flick.
    Everything is possible, impossible just takes longer time.
    Overwhelmingly we just block our mind to perform additional work to think more, make more experiments and try new ways.

What have I done

More than 20 mobile, automation and web projects

Average project length is 1 year with 3 team members involved

Grew more then 10 great engineers

  • Selloby. Classifieds of the future.
    ASP.NET Web API, Backbone JS, MongoDB
    2 versions, one pivot, hi-end websites, mobile applications and unexisting market.
    At this project I was at Chief Technology Officer role. I managed a team of 5 engineers and we did a geat job, acting as a single organism.

    In this project was implemented dead-simple partner program that allows partners to create classifieds section at their sites and portals at around zero effort with keeping their own branding (white-label).
  • AutoHelp.
    PHP YII, Bootstrap, MySQL
    On-road assistance service, back office.
    Work-process in code. Just let the people work.
    At this project I was at Product Owner role. I managed a team of 2 engineers.
    In 3 weeks we digitalized whole workflow of the service: recieving requests from different channels, processing them and passing to responsible staff to handle.
  • Business-analytics
    PHP Laravel, AngularJS, Azure SQL
    (, my client)
    Offline advertising analysis, back office.
    Research methodology in code. In-house solution for precise researches.
    At this project I was at Product Owner role. I managed a team of 4 engineers. We implemented simple and effective way to automate overall research workflow with ability to construct your own one, including calculations, task management and reporting.
    .NET, SOAP Services, Windows Services, SQL Server
    (part of the titanic portal backend system) document generation subsystem.
    To be the first in publishing new laws.`
    2 generations of subsystem, a lot of integrations, botnet and tons of crazy stuff...
    At this project I was at Team Leader role. I managed a team of 3 engineers.
    Here we implemented a single data collection point with a lot of web-scrappers and botnet for "native" scrapping. Also was implemented a partially-manual system for document processing with task-management reporting and billing. more than 30 operators worked with the system every day simultaneously.

My skills

  • Product managment
    • Experience
      1,5 years
      Everyday warrior
      Love to do
  • Project managment
    • Experience
      5 years
      Old days pirate
      Love to do
    People managment and inspiration
    • Experience
      7 years
      Silent assasin
      Love to do
  • Analytics
    • Experience
      6 years
      Major Pain
      Love to do
    Web development
    • Experience
      12 years
      Love to do
    Mobile development
    • Experience
      3 years
      Regular warrior
      Love to do
    • Experience
      1 year
      Angry soilder
      Love to do
    • Experience
      less than 1 year
      cadet on practice
      Love to do

I worked with great people

About me

  • 33 years old.
    Married, no kids.
  • Love motorcycles, singing, karaoke, dancing and walking everywhere with my wife
    No religion.
  • Russian by blood, Tajik by birth place, American by mindset.
    Belief only in facts and actions.
